I've been "working" on this sock for months now. I'm knitting my first ever pair of socks with my first ever knitting group :) Admittedly we often don't even pick up the needles which is why I've not finished this first sock. I don't care a bit tho :) I just love knowing that that one night a week is mine. That I will be off to chat with these lovely ladies and maybe just maybe knit a few rows - it's the highlight of my week :) I've been pretty immersed on mothering for 15 years now - It's been a long stretch of not doing anything outside the house that was only for me. I don't regret being with my little ones even a tiny little bit, but it sure is lovely now that the youngest is older, to start getting back to myself a bit more. As I'm writing this it just occurred to me how symbolic this sock is of me stepping out in the world again after nesting for so long :) Maybe that's why it doesn't matter to me so much that I'm not progressing fast with this project - I'm just savoring this time. There's no need to rush - I've got the rest of my life and my children aren't going to be young much longer.
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