Monday, March 1, 2010

A Jello Flashback :)

Every once in a while I'll crave some ridiculously unhealthy thing I ate as a child.
The most recent was jello ;)

So the other day I decided to try to make some with juice :)

I was a big hit around here - so much so that we made a second batch that same day.

I used a cranberry cocktail and twice the gelatin it calls for to gel 2 cups of liquid. Then I dumped in frozen pitted cherries and blueberries :) The frozen fruit makes for quicker gelling - and healthier eating too :)

I made whipped coconut cream to go on top - just to be authentic and all :) Discovering coconut whip cream was quite possibly the funnest discovery since we had to cut out all dairy. You just pop a can of coconut milk (the full fat premium kind) in the fridge or freezer for several hours until it's really good and cold. Then scoop out the white creamy part that rises to the top and whip that as you would cream. I add some sweetener and vanilla - lots of vanilla will cover the coconut-y flavor if you're not wanting that to be as prominent.

The kids have been asking me to make this every day since ; ) So I'm going to assume it was a huge success.

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