Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Carrots Grow From Carrot Seeds....

....I'll plant a seed and grow it.
(anyone else hearing this song ?)

I'll Water it, I'll pull the weeds....

Carrots grow from carrot seeds :)

Today was a sweet day of firsts.  Little Miss A got to pull carrots for the first time :)  I'm thinking there's not much that is more thrilling to a 2 year old than to discover that there are carrots hiding under the dirt! I mean really - can you imagine the delight?

And as if that sweetness wasn't enough for the day, then Big Miss A went to her very first dance class :)

Now that was a moment and a half, for a bunch of reasons.

As a child I *always* wanted to have dance lessons.

I was also really really (did I mention really?) shy.

Really shy. 

If I'd had the chance I'd have likely hid in the corner.

And so my oh so very shy girl conquered her shyness today.

It was sooooo hard for her.  She wanted desperately to be a part of the class, but she couldn't bring herself to even *move*.  She sat next to me, she sat *on* me.  Looking at me, looking at the teacher and a look of utter panic on her face.  

I didn't want her to leave feeling like she had failed herself - not me - she couldn't fail me - it's ok for her to choose not to go.  I didn't want her to feel disappointed in herself.

I thought it might end badly - and then....

The teacher suggested they dance like butterflies!

And that my folks is where that sweet lovely teacher got my girl ;)

Slowly, ever so slowly - first she asked me to walk over with her - and then she stood in line....

And then!  Then she was a butterfly running across the room.  Heck - running is just fine - that sweet girl of mine just pushed herself through her fears and did that scary thing.

I was proud :)

And it would have been fine if she hadn't - but hte little girl in me that never really pushed through those moments - well that girl was impressed :)


  1. Oh, Heather...that is just too sweet! What dance class is this? I want to dance like a butterfly, I just wouldn't be nearly half as cute as Miss A, though:)

  2. It's Jennifyre's class :) Very popular with my girls - Skye loves her too :)
