Saturday, September 5, 2009

Finding time to connect....

Something I struggle with pretty much constantly is finding quality time and especially one on one time with all 5 of my kids - I've talked about that before here :)

Of course it's ten times harder to do that when life gets really busy - which it is right now.

SO in between running around from one job to the next I'm squeezing in time with my kids.

Working together.
A quick break to read some stories when I can't stand up any longer and need a breather.

and tonite - a quick game of cards before bed - I did end up interupting to run out in the rain and help Andrew with the animals, but we did finish that game when I came in again.

It's truly amazing how much of an impact this time has - in so many ways it's truly a no-brainer - I mean of course everyone is happier with quality time spent together - but it's still easy to get lost in that chore list at times. MY kids do bring me back quickly tho as chaos quickly ensues. And yet a few stories read, and you can feel the peace return again.

I don't see the busy times ending any time soon with a goal of renovating an old cabin on our property for my teenaged daughter to have her space in before the snow comes - I'm sure it'll just get even busier.

In the meantime I'll keep doing my best to seek out those times together that make us all feel whole, and one day I'll wake up and realize that we've moved into that slower time of the year when we just want to cozy up in front of the fire. I'm sure the change of pace will be quite welcome.

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